RANKING postcard passing peace
Catery:News Time:2013-05-08 00:00:00 Author: Sourse:

RANKING launched "pass peace to another" on Shanghai international bicycle fair,which had won positive response and involvement from our guests. Yesterday,  Coach Shen from National team and his students came to RANKING, everyone wrote a postcard to pass wishes of peace,some wrote tothe family, some to their friends in Sichuan earthquake area.

Wish peacego to every guest who came to RANKING booth and their family, also give ourbest wishes to all cycling fan, wish them a peaceful journey as well as enjoythe cycle fun.

Coach shen is writing a postcard to hisgrand daughter, little girl should be happy when she get it.

Coach shen showing his postcard to hisgrand daughter.

Coach Wu, Coach Zhang and Mr. ZhangShengkai came to RANKING booth togeter. Each of them wrote a postcard for theirfamily. Friends share their postcard laughed , thank RANKING to bring them backto the old times.

Our old friend Liu hao from MSS team,Coach Shen, Coach Wu and RANKING staff.


This postcard is designated specially forthe fair in Shanghai. Every guest came to RANKING booth will be invited towrite their wishes to whoever they want to passing the peace wish.

This is the postcard that guests haswritten.

RANKING Peter signed his name on thelittle egg helmet, this model was made to demostrate the significance ofhelmet, how helmet protect a rider’s life.  

The little helmet with Peter’ssignature.